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Getting Info

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I was just wondering if anyone here knows anything about who the best people in the hockey industry from TSN people to ESPN, to Eklund to anyone at all, to e-mail and ask them a question about a player, for example, I'd like to find out if anyone knows any inside information about Forsberg and if there's any updates about him retiring or not next year, and if not if he will stay in the NHL or go back to Modo, or if he will indeed stay in the NHL. Anyway, I'd like to know who is the best to e-mail in terms of the information they'll have and who will actually e-mail me back. Thanks a lot. By the way if you know their e-mails that would be great too, and if you know anything about my question feel free to answer it anyway.

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When Philly traded him, Snyder's comments were that Forsberg couldn't commit to his plans for next year and they didn't want to lose him for nothing if he retired or went back home.

Since he was traded, there have been several local reports that he will be back in Philly next year and that perhaps something was worked out already and Forsberg's uncertainty is just another Flyers smokescreen. Tough to tell at this point, it looks like he just wants to get healthy and go from there.

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I thought I read that Forsberg was unable to commit to SIGNING with Philly for next year, not that he couldn't commit to his futur in hockey, but I could definitly be wrong. Does anyone else have any info? Or even better who I could e-mail?

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Eklund is the most unreliable, makes stuff up, gives other hockey writers a bad name, piece of rubbish I have ever read.

NEVER rely on a thing he says to come true, and if it does, look around, you will see the story broke before he gets it, and he will "break" it as his own

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TSN's Insiders (Dreger & McKenzie) have an "Ask the Expert" type blog on tsn.ca. I doubt you'll get a 100% accurate answer on the Foppa thing...but it would be more of a "A source close to Peter tells me that..."

But people ask "Where will (Insert Player here) be playing next year" type questions all the time.

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Ya I thought about that, but I'm not exactly sure what to do in order to contact them, do you know?

There should be a contact link on their Talent page on the website....

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Eklund is the most unreliable, makes stuff up, gives other hockey writers a bad name, piece of rubbish I have ever read.

NEVER rely on a thing he says to come true, and if it does, look around, you will see the story broke before he gets it, and he will "break" it as his own

Word. http://www.thestar.com/Sports/article/186473

Spector is usually pretty good. I know its really hard to be very accurate given the line of work, but I don't get the impression he just pulls things from his ass like Eklund does.

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