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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Similar Tapered Shaft To the XV

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Hey guys.

Bit of a dilemma here My new found stock of XV's (3) are slowly depleting.

I currently have an RBK 6k blade in there and I love the balance. On the shaft it says it weighs in at 285g, Has any one else used a 6k with another tapered shaft and had okay balance. I tried it with my 05 synth but it's not the same.

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a friend got ahold of a XXXLite shaft as a warranty return for a XXX OPS. He had been using a 6k blade in it for a bit, and balance seemed pretty good for me, but I'm not a huge fan of extremely light blades. The XXXlite will have a different shaft shape as well (more boxy than the XV shaft).

Perhaps a warrior dolomite? I believe it's a touch heavier than 285g (I want to say it's 300g) It has the softer rounded shape of the XV, and is basically an inno 1100, which isn't all that far off (if at all) from the XV.

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I have 2 brand new XV shafts - never used. Picked them up thinking my daughter would grow into them and then - duh - realized she would never use a sr shaft.

Let me know if you are interested.

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Iceman, Thanks but I know they are coming.

The XV has the shaft shape i love. The only 2 other shafts shapes I like are on the stealth and R2XN10.

I'd try out the R2Xn10 with the 6K blades. That has been my stick of choice for the last two years until now. They have excellent balance. I just switched over to the Easton SE though because it is a bit lighter and the blade is stiffer than the 6K blades.

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I'm not too sensitive with shaft shape, but it doesn't feel too far off from the R2Xn10. It feels maybe a bit thinner and the corners feel more rounded due to the R2's double concave shape. I can't feel a difference on the ice with gloves on.

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I loved my XV shaft. Broke it after a solid two or three months of non-stop performance. Outlasted 5 blades. Pretty incredible. I use Dolomite's now, and I love them. Give them a try, I think you'll like them as well.

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Got tired of breaking the XV's after about 4 of them. Switch to a Dolomite and never looked back.

I still have 2 XV's as back ups with the same blade I have in my Dolomite, the balance is pretty close. Shaft shape if different but it wasn't a problem for me. I've also had this same Dolomite for about the same time I went through 3 XV's. I loved the XV but they just didn't hold up for me.

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