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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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For Those of Us Who Can't See Huge Firework Shows

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Skyking?  Phantom?

Where in FL?

Skyking. We were staying in Venice, and my dad told us we were going to the beach. We stopped at checkers, then pulled up to this huge warehouse. I dont exactly remember what the name of the town was, but it was the next town over from my grandparents house. The guy there was such a nice guy. He gave us so much stuff for little or no charge. But the best stores are the little shops where if you buy 1thing they give you like 6free.

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Fireworks are legal here in Toronto, you can go to any convience store and buy them, pretty fun stuff. I put a goalie mask, some goggles on a buddy of mine and shot them at him, then my 11 year old borther chases him downa dn shoot him in the groin and rips a whole throigh his gray school pants, his only pair. Being the hick that he is he too ductape and patched the hole up, lukcily he wans`t burned. It was fun casue we did in broad day light on goverment property, being the genuises we all are.

That is awesome. We did that on Halloween.

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Fireworks are illegal here in MN but we just make a run 'cross the border to Wisconsin. It's an hour drive but well worth it. The store we go to has buy one, get the same one for 99 cents. So you can buy a $100 firework and get the same exact one for 99 cents.

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Pennsylvania is another one of those states that likes to protect us from ourselves. Thankfully you can buy just about anything in Ohio.

At Least we are good for something. B) You can buy them here but you have to sign a paper that say's you will be going out of state. :blink: Raeally makes alot of sense.

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They're legal to buy but illegal to set off in many counties, even those they're sold in so that makes little sense. No cops are going to bust anyone on today or New Year's Eve though.

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So where are they legal, besides the South East?

All throughout the Northwest. You can get some killer ones on the many nearby Indian reservations.

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They're legal to buy but illegal to set off in many counties, even those they're sold in so that makes little sense. No cops are going to bust anyone on today or New Year's Eve though.

Back when I lived in Nashville, one of our neighbors called the cops on us for shooting them off on the 4th. We were lucky to be listening to our scanner, so when we heard they were coming we hid on our deck. The cop parked in front of the house for a few minutes then left. This year I was at my grandparents lake house in the middle on nowhere in east Tennessee, and had no problems.

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