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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wood Stick Bulk orders?

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I recently picked up a Nike Flexlite Wood stick... i am really feeling a switch to the woods.. anyone have any help on places good for ordering a batch of wood sticks? i.e. 3-6 or more?

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I recently picked up a Nike Flexlite Wood stick... i am really feeling a switch to the woods.. anyone have any help on places good for ordering a batch of wood sticks? i.e. 3-6 or more?

no reason to make 2 threads....

contact your lhs about ordering bulk.

12 Sher-wood S.O.P are about 400 i believe

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I recently picked up a Nike Flexlite Wood stick... i am really feeling a switch to the woods.. anyone have any help on places good for ordering a batch of wood sticks? i.e. 3-6 or more?

Talk to your local shop, most shops would be more than happy to give you some type of discount when you order that many sticks.

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I recently picked up a Nike Flexlite Wood stick... i am really feeling a switch to the woods.. anyone have any help on places good for ordering a batch of wood sticks? i.e. 3-6 or more?

Talk to your local shop, most shops would be more than happy to give you some type of discount when you order that many sticks.

It wasn't an "order", but I talked to the guy at the shop, and he was glad to give me a discount when I picked up 6 RBK 3Ks off the shelf.

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That Christian site looks pretty promising. I have never tried any of thier sticks, but it seems like a pretty reasonable deal. I wonder if they actually make your batch at the same time so all the sticks would be as close to identical as possible...

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