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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Some wings pro stock stuff

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there are some pro stock wings sticks out here in So cal at the manhattan beach play it again. they had about 5-6 hull response pluses, a couple of his z-bubbles, some chelios, thomas, dandenult synergies. nice stuff but a bit overpriced. hulls were $160, Zbubbles were $105. i dont think they ship but i knew a few people on the board are in the area

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Yes, they have Whitney synthesis blades, about 4-5 of them at $49.99. Just went over there to take a look as the Chelios pattern is one of my favorites...Very high prices for them. Larry Robinson's son-in-law must have wised up a bit.

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Chelios has two patterns, Chelios and Chelios #2. Play it Again actually has both right now. I can take a pic of the Chelios and send it to you. To me, it's kinda like a retail Drury with more blade on the ice and slightly less shovel. It is very very nice.

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seriously, i was rather mad when i saw the prices on the hulls. when i made some rather large purchases a few months back and the guy basically befriended me because of the money i was pumping in to his place. so he called me friday and told me what they got in, but seriously 160 a stick? 50 a pop for the whitney synthesis. crazy, i wonder what they paid for them then.

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Eh, I don't think that $160 for a OPS or $50 for a Syn. blade is necessarily a bad price when you figure thats what the retail versions cost.

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Well as I am sure Hattrick can vouch for....when this Play it Again first started bringing all the leftover Kings stuff in, it was about $50-60 for any Synergy, whether it was used or brand new. So, as you can imagine to see $160 for the Synergys now it is quite a surprise. Larry, the manager (and son-in-law of Larry Robinson) is the guy that handles all the equipment for visiting teams at Staples Center so he has now worked out deals with visiting teams to get their equipment.

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Ah, that changes things a little. But with such a high demand for that kind of stuff, especially top name players like Hull and Chelios, can't say I blame the guy for charging market value.

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i am curious to see what he will charge for used stuff of the visiting teams. because a game used hull stick is worth much more then a game issued stick. and how they have the store set up now, the used stuff, no matter who used it, is 50-60 bucks and the new stuff is more

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Well as I am sure Hattrick can vouch for....when this Play it Again first started bringing all the leftover Kings stuff in, it was about $50-60 for any Synergy, whether it was used or brand new. So, as you can imagine to see $160 for the Synergys now it is quite a surprise. Larry, the manager (and son-in-law of Larry Robinson) is the guy that handles all the equipment for visiting teams at Staples Center so he has now worked out deals with visiting teams to get their equipment.

Sounds like a back door job to me wiht the Kings stuff. maybe they got caught by the Kings and had to pay the team full pop. Sounds logical to me...

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With Hull going through so many different shafts, it's a wonder he hasn't watered down the market by himself!

How many guys in the board have Hull stuff? It's getting ridiculous. Everyone has Hull pro stock.

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i went to the PIT in manhattan during my layover in cali from the philippines. i snagged the last of the whitney's. the guy i talked to there said he couldn't get any more of that pattern, but he could get kariya pattern synths. which is interesting. i didn't see any hull shafts, but they did have a bunch of his response +'s. they also had a couple mc carty xn10s (nice curve) plus all the synergys hattrick mentioned. i looked over the used king's stuff and saw some decent stuff. cyclone 120s, flyweight shafts (too bad no deadmarsh ones), and an eloranta (sp?) m-1 shaft with what looked like a inno graphite blade in it.

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i dont know if you would go back, but the hull z-bubbles were right by the LH blade rack. i dont think the store knew they were hulls though. because the store price tag had "100 flex z-bubble 105.99" and the easton sku tag had "hull 80 flex z-bubble" exactly like the ones that a large number of members picked up off ebay. i also noticed the weave in the hull z-bubbles was much larger then the retail ones they had. any knowledge of why they were different?

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they also had a couple mc carty xn10s (nice curve)

Do you know how much they were selling the McCarty XN10's?

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But I remember that the the Bubbles were marked as 100 flex, but were 80 flex and UL. However, it said that on the tag so I`m not sure. I`m hoping these are bubbles.

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Easiest way to check would be look for the "Parabolic Focus Flex". Where the stick tapers down and then flares out to fit the blade. If its got that, it'a a Bubble

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Stopped by the PIA again and 43% was right, they do have Kariya pro pattern synth blades now. They're getting more Whitney's too.

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damn, more whitneys coming? i may need to send someone to get more. and no, i didn't look at the price for the xn10s. sorry.

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