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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need a Photshop/Editing Pro

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I am looking for someone who is really good in photoshop or at photo editing that would be willing to make me a banner for one of my fantasy football leagues. I don't have anything to offer. I was just wondering if there was anyone out there that would be willing to help me out for free. I can give you all the details if you decide to make the banner. It would be very much appreciated :)

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Well I don't have anything along the lines of pictures to put in it. My team name is "The Girl Scouts". So if you could come up with a cool way of making the name into a logo that would be awesome. I would tell you to use the service mark but I am sure that is copywritten. Other than that I don't want any pictures of football players. The colors should be predominatly green and white.

This is for anyone to comment on but can anyone think of a good slogan, preferably punny. Like I said the team name is "The Girl Scouts" and it is for fantasy football. It would be great to have the slogan incorporated into the banner in some way.

Your help is greatly appreciated Thockey :D

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Well to get the ideas flowing we were coming up with some in the MSH chatroom.

"Selling Cookies and Taking Names Since 1999"

"Working Street Corners Since '99"

"Selling Their Cookies on the Street Corner since '99"

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Could you make that into an MSN display pic for me? Like take out the green smoke, and just have teh pic of the gurls and the quote.

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I like it alot. Very cool.

I would like to use the "Sellin' Cookies and Takin' Names since '99" since that is the one I came up with and it seems to apply to football more.

Also if it isn't to much trouble could you throw in a football helmet in the back ground around the smoke. Not so that it dominates the banner but so it's just noticeable.


There is a helmet for you. If you think cookie monster adds to the overall theme go for it, if not just make green or white.

Thanks again :D

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Well I just spent a couple hours making this thing. Which is a feat with my limited knowledge of photoshop. I used alot of the ideas Thockey had and went in my own direction. What do you guys think?


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