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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vyborny Stick

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does anybody know what kind of stick David Vyborny on the Blue Jackets uses?? i think that i read somwhere that it is a sherwood 5030 spray-painted black, can anyone verify this?

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I think he does some tacky grip thing by rubbing black tape over everything too. I remember seeing a CBJ pre game show and talking about that, believe it was Vybs.

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Mainly his personal preference, but now also because Koho no longer exists or at least no longer is paying the NHL advertising fees.

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Mainly his personal preference, but now also because Koho no longer exists or at least no longer is paying the NHL advertising fees.

Maybe so but Stumpel is still rocking a Koho woodie.

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well obviously that makes me mistaken on the ad reasoning, I apologize for passing on incorrect infornation.

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Perhaps Koho was grandfathered in under RbK. Or maybe it just applies to wood sticks and blades. I have seen some of the pros use Wood "Reebok" replacement blades also. Hmmmmm.

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