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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cheap trophy, anyone know where I can get one?

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OK, so myself and a couple of other guys have been running a charity pickup game in the DC area, it's a monthly thing.

Because of the proximity of Maryland and Virginia to DC, we usually do a state v state format.

Its all just for fun and to raise money, but there is some smack talk that goes on too (all lighthearted).

It's mainly just messageboard members from the caps board that comes, but it's open to all.

Anyway, I would like to get a trophy (reasonbly priced) for it, just for a laugh.

Does anyone have any places they can refer me to.

Also, if there is anyone in the DC area that might be interested, you can PM me if you want more details.

Cheers in advance

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i like crown trophies.

if you go to a local tropy store, they may donate one to you since it is a charity event!

i prefer crown trophies.

if you go to a local tropy store, they may donate one to you since it is a charity event!

i prefer crown trophies.

if you go to a local tropy store, they may donate one to you since it is a charity event!

i prefer crown trophies.

if you go to a local tropy store, they may donate one to you since it is a charity event!

i prefer crown trophies.

if you go to a local tropy store, they may donate one to you since it is a charity event!

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Not sure just how cheap you want to go, but in High School we had a dekhockey league where the "K Cup" (named after the club's moderator) was awarded each year. It comprised of an upside down 5 gallon bucket attached to a coffee can attached to a large metal bowl, all of which was spraypainted silver.

When your team won the K cup, it was passed around from player to player over the course of the day, just like the real thing.

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At the rink near me, they lower division has a Silver metal garbage can that they use for the winner each season. When they win they all get to sign it and keep it for the day like DamnLocust said. I guess it would be good for bragging rights.

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