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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing Skate Boot

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I'm thinking of replacing my One90 boots because it's been hurting my feet for awhile now. I would like to put a pair of Vector 10.0 boots on the lightspeed powers. Does anyone know if it'll fit properly? I have heel lifts on my One90s, would I need them if I switch the boots? Also I'm quite used to the One90's weight and I've read somewhere that the Vector 10.0s are also 750 grams. Is that true?

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I have had both skates, so I guess I am of some help. The One90 is lighter. The Vector 10 is not 750 grams....it is heavier than that. The LS2 power can be mounted to the V10, but holes will need to be drilled. You will most likely need to put in a heel lift as well, because the boot is pretty neutral.

I truly feel that the V10 is much more comfortable than the One90. They hurt my inside ankle real bad.

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I'm sure that there is some vector 10.0 that is 750 grams... depends on what size the skate is.

Heh...youth size 12 maybe :)

Mine is an 8.5...and I can tel you that t is light..but not 750 grams light.

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try using 11.5... any skate I use feels like a brick on my foot :(

I laugh when I hear about the new easton skate being "sub 700" grams because I know that my skate would be "sub 700" grams X 2.

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