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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sande Stick

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My hockey pants uses technology from Nasa engineers, velcro. It's a stupid marketing ploy.

If I was them(assuming they could afford to do this) I'd run a promotion where say 25 to 100(depending on how bold we want to be) people win free sticks. Not only do you have people checking out and entering the contest but you get some of your sticks out there. If your product is good enough it should be able to sell itself... The main issue is getting it out there in the first place.

*this might not be the best idea in the world but it would get me more interested in it than the whole "spaceage technology" thing.

As a "little guy", I agree completely with your idea. In fact, that is what we are slowly trying to do. Seeding the market is the best way to get a following if you don't have a name like Easton or the pockets like Nike/Bauer.

Exactly. Actually a good place to start is right here, as JR said in the interview "MSH can make or break a product."

I think I got that quote right. ;)

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they do make a quality glove, i for one would like to try out this stick depending on the price, if its under 180 i'll probably go for it, has anybody else tried these things out?

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MSRP will be 179.00

some of the other features i have not listed yet..

*Reinenforced Inner Corners for Feel, Balance and TORSION CONTROL not to mention alot more strength

*lowest kickpoint we could achiev

*best balance we could achieve

*420 grams

*sensor grip

* high grade carbon fabric

Just thought you would be interested to know.

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every stick can break, it's not a sande only thing.

How come you didn't explain why you feel like you'll break it if you buy it.....

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1) Who the hell is Kyle Turris?

Kyle Turris is a player who plays Jr.A for the Burnaby Express in the BCHL he will definetly go top 5 in this years draft some say he may go first.He is tearing up the BCHL with over 2 PPG average. You will definetly hear his name in the NHL soon.

Actually it might be more than a year or two before you see Kyle Turris in 'the show' . He stayed Junior A to take the college route.

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Sande, I am very impressed by the Show stick. You guys have a very nice product there, and if I didn't have two One90's, I would be very tempted to buy one. I work at Scherer's Hockey Equipment, one of your authorized dealers and got the chance to try out one. Very very nice.

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1) Who the hell is Kyle Turris?

Kyle Turris is a player who plays Jr.A for the Burnaby Express in the BCHL he will definetly go top 5 in this years draft some say he may go first.He is tearing up the BCHL with over 2 PPG average. You will definetly hear his name in the NHL soon.

Actually it might be more than a year or two before you see Kyle Turris in 'the show' . He stayed Junior A to take the college route.

TSN has him ranked to go 4th in the 07 draft.

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