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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A song answer.

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When you want to know the name of a song and know some of the lyrics follow these steps:

1. Go to google or yahoo

2. Enter lyrics that you know

3. hit search button

if you're still having trouble, follow these steps:

1. Go to google or yahoo

2. Enter lyrics that you know

3. Add the word "lyrics" after you enter the lyrics you know

4. Hit search button

Another way to search for songs you've heard on the radio is to go to the radio's website, they often have a "last played" list and/or a playlist.

Thank you and have a wonderful night.


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Actually, the best way to find out about a song on the radio is www.yes.com . Just enter the radio station's call name, frequency, city, or other information, and you get all of their playlists for the last week or so broken down by hour.

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Actually, the best way to find out about a song on the radio is www.yes.com . Just enter the radio station's call name, frequency, city, or other information, and you get all of their playlists for the last week or so broken down by hour.

Awesome info. The site you mentioned works very well.

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Actually, the best way to find out about a song on the radio is www.yes.com . Just enter the radio station's call name, frequency, city, or other information, and you get all of their playlists for the last week or so broken down by hour.

Awesome info. The site you mentioned works very well.

It appears to only work with American calls.

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any other simple solutions or tricks you guys have? I'd like to never see another "What's this song that goes dum dum dum" thread again.

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