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What is "Pro Stock"?

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I saw on couple websites some equipment called "Pro Stock", for example mission pro stock gloves on hockeymonkey, or bauer pro stock gloves on hockeygiant. Also there are pro stock sticks (and they come with no waranty).

What does "pro stock" mean? How are the "pro stock" models different from the same non "pro stock" ones?

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Pro stock is normally gear that is made specifically for professional players, and either the players reject them, or have a sponser change, so they are sold as a reduced price.

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Some "pro stock" products are just special make up (SMU) products. In those cases, it's just a marketing thing.

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And I always thought "pro return" stuff was gear that wasn't used during the season, so they are sold to LHS to offload?

Yeah, I believe it's basically all the same... 'pro stock', 'factory over-runs', 'pro return'.. it's just basically stuff that's either leftover from the factory, a team locker room

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Pro Stock is basically over-produced equipment sold at a lower price. Supposedly the sticks are Lighter/More Durable, but I really havent ever noticed.

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