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Why should the state of kansas sanction hockey as a high school sport?

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What reasons should I give for hockey to be sanctioned? Please give me as many details as possible, why it is a learning experience, Why students are missing out, what life lessons it teaches, that it will give youth a chance to foster an otherwise unused talent and how, etc. Thanks a lot, and I’m glad I can count on you guys. I looked through the what do you like about hockey thread and got some ideas but I’d like to hear some different perspectives. Thank you.

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Look down the page at the topic "what else do you like about hockey other than playing hockey" and read some of those responses. That will give you some ideas about comraderie, sportsmanship, teamwork, etc. among other things. That's just a start. You could also use all of the other cliches that have been said about playing sports in general, then expand from there.

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I would talk about the popularity of hockey in Kansas (if it even is popular), but more importantly I'd talk about how hockey has unfair negative stereotypes attached to it. Discuss how there won't be fighting, compare the number of injuries to football, etc.

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If you are really looking to give this to the board of education and hope to have them seriously consider it you are going to need credible sources and numerical examples. A bunch of people saying what aspects of the sport they like isn't going to cut it. It might work for emotional appeal but you still need logic and credibility.

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Do you want Kansas' high school sports board thing to consider it a sport like football and basketball, and then regulate it? If so, and they act like IHSA (Illinois' thing) it would mean more regulations to the sport like less games, a shorter season and things like that. The only good thing would be it'd be cheaper to play.

Do schools in Kansas have club teams at the schools?

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Topeka is getting a new AA team before long. They are taking over where the "Scarecrows" left off a few years ago. I only know this because my dad lives in Topeka and keeps me up to date on all the local sports. If this takes off, perhaps the rest of the state will start to catch up. Maybe you could contact the owner of the new team and she could give you a little insight on why she is dumping money into hockey.

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Try and find a list of the things they sanction as high school sports - they probably sanction stuff like badminton, table tennis, and ballroom dancing and stuff.

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I believe Kansas is one of the few states to sanction Javelin. Now that is an obscure, albeit fun and challenging, event. Hockey should be a slam dunk. Except, of course, for the ice, the rinks, the refs, the gear and a few other minor details.

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Actually most states have rules laid down for high school javelin throwers in the rules for tack and field. The choice not to offer it is usually made at the school level due to safety concerns.

As for the OP, I think I would talk about the unfair nature of schools handing out varsity letters for inane activities like chess, cheerleading, and debate but real athletes can't earn one for playing hockey.

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Tell them a few provinces have high school hockey, we operate under a different insurance policy. NB and NS I know have high schools, not sure but I think Ontario does too, the rest I'm not sure.

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If the state sanctions sports with fewer participants, they should have to justify not sanctioning hockey. The reasons for doing so would be the same as for sanctioning any other sport. You may want to try and explain how insurance and other expenses can be covered without impacting school budgets, as money is probably the most important factor in a decision like this.

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