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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Throat Guards

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There are two kinds of goalie throat protectors-the kind that hangs down from the mask, and the one that, well, doesn't. Since I can't explain very well, I have pics...

the this


and this.


Last game I played in, I lunged to cover the puck, and was essentially laying down face-first. Somehow this guy's stick raked the open part of the back of my neck (I wear the throat protector that hangs down, and my mask is a bit small, which is why I'm getting a new one). It hurt, and it left crap on my neck that stayed there the whole neck (I play roller). I'm getting a new mask, and before I get new strings to attach the throat protector on my new mask, I thought I'd look into it and ask you guys.

So basically, what are the pros and cons of each type, and which do you think is better?

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A dangler won't do much if a skate comes flying at you...but it's argued a neck guard wouldn't do much either. But anyways, most people give good raves on the gel neckguard by Phil Maltese-- http://maltesehockey.com/

A dangler is a dangler, it's all generally the same lexan plastic, but take it for what it's worth. A guy I know went thru 3 Itechs in one beer league session. Don't know if it was just unlucky or they truely suck...I had an Eagle personally.

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So you should use both? What kinds/models would you recommend? I thought it was one or the other.

I like both, I use the wider profile (not a v-profile like the picture at the start of the thread) clear plastic dangling one, and a low-rise bib-style neck guard (a la Vaughn VPC6000).

Like the other guy said, the dangler is good for blunt force trauma protection, and useless when a skate is coming up. I also used to wear the bauer cloth BNQ cert neck guards, but went back to the goal bibs because I'd keep getting floaters on my neck/clavicle.

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For the neck collar, how much protection in the back does it give? I'm not expecting as much in the front, but what do they have back there?

*As a side note, I was scratching my back, and accidentally picked a scab back there (I had no idea it was there at all). I guess it's from that one asshole that hooked my neck...

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A dangler is a dangler, it's all generally the same lexan plastic, but take it for what it's worth.

Is there a difference between the Olie and the Olie EXTREME!!! (no, it's not in all caps nor does it have exclamation marcks) besides the graphics?

you can find it here

And with the two different vaughn throat collars, is one just higher end than the other?

find it here

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As for the Danglers, Any difference in mfrs? Any much better, or some to stay well clear from? I'm strictly sticking with the Bell shaped, and none of the the new Itech Mirrored/colored crap.

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I cant stand the neck guards, I always feel like they are choking me, if the danglers are good enough for NHL goalies they are good enough for me. Besides what happened to you is a freak thing, it sucks but how often is that going to happen. I say go with the clear dangle one.

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Then you have probably never seen let alone tried a Maltese combo. I felt the same way you did til this unit. How often? Once is too much. A dangler can fail you at that critical time. They move and they break and not when you expect it either.


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I have never seen a roller hockey goalie wear a collar. It makes since in ice since you have sharp skates all around, but in roller I think it would just make you to hot, and not have a real purpose.

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There are still sticks and pucks flying around and, as such, I use mine whether I'm playing roller or ice. I'll have to see if I have any pictures that you can see the collar in.


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I copped one in the throat tonight. I hate danglers, but it would have saved me tonight. I have a throat guard like the RBK, minus the sternum pad (too hot for inline) and the puck snuck between it and the collar of the C/A

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