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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The search is over

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I've used them all, heel curves, mid curves, toe curves, big curves, open curves, closed curves and at last the search is over. My curve is no curve at all. I finally decided that after the last few months, where I've fiddled with my blades and always reduced the curve on them, to just straighten one out. I shot a few pucks in the garage and then took it to a stick and puck one Saturday morning and low and behold it was great. Not much of a topic I know, but I thought I would share this watershed event with some people who could actually appreciate it.

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Say what you will, I had a crush on her when I was 15. There's a bad joke in there about a 'straight stick' that I'm not going to make.

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Id also like to see some pics. I personally like those straight cuves which are a bit open towards the toe. Like a Drury with less curve.

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The original curve is a custom that I've been getting from Christian for about a year. The shape and lie are exactly what I want so I made no changes there. I'll post some pics tomorrow.

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Gross... :D

Hmmm, this coming from a board that talks about the size of our knobs and sticking blades in our butts.

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