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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Int/Sr Sizing

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I use a 31" pad, and when shopping around, I found some "loopholes". They have the same size in Int and Sr, except with a huge difference in price, and I thought I found a loophole. Are there significant quality differences (or any at all) between the two? Does it matter?

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Depends on the Mfg. I got some Bauer Supreme Pro that I was comparing to their Int. the only differences were that the int were narrower. Now that 11" is pro standard that might be the same.

I got a TPs Blocker and Glove, the only difference was the Int. hand size was for a smaller hand. The materials and the Size of catcher and blocker were exactly the same. I have an int. Sherwood glove and blocker that is the same deal, but the hand size is only a little smaller than Sr. The TPS is quite smaller. The TPS barely fits in the int. The Sherwood int fits even still a little big.

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