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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Great article about the Jets

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I don't post anymore, but i'm sure some of you would remember me from the corebeam days on a different name.

This article was in the Winnipeg Free Press today and I think anybody who has the time should read through some of it.


This story is about our team and their final days. I remember when this whole ordeal happend, I may have been young but it hit me just as hard with hockey being such a huge part of my life.

Winnipeg is a city that loves hockey, and lives for it. In grade and high school a HUGE portion of the students play hockey, and everybody watches it. We fill up the arena for an AHL team better than most of the NHL arenas down south and when they took our team, a huge peice of our city was lost. It was like a child had been taken from a parent.

Winnipeg was always a great city for teams, with a wild playoff crowd that could rival any. When they jets started going downhill the entire city pitched in, I at 6 years old gave every cent I had in my bank to save my team. I had got season tickets for my 6th birthday. Our city actually stopped in the final days of this, the whole city was shut down. A team that we loved since its first days was being torn away.

I remember the final game vividly, I don't think i've cried so much to this day. Maybe this article will show everybody that we really love hockey here, and right now there is not another city that deserves a team more than us.

"On an overcast morning on March 26, 2006, almost a decade after the Jets played their final game, they levelled the Winnipeg Arena with 200 sticks of dynamite...

And put up a parking lot. "

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Well I didn't have time to read the whole article, though if it is about losing I rink I can understand what you went through. Our rink got demolished and the land is doing nothing, it is just sitting their, no one wants to lease it. I haven't cried so much since then either. So sorry man.

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I feel you man, we were lost here in Minny after our team went south. Luckily, they recognized we needed a team and got another here and are making money hand over fist. I'd love to see Winnipeg with another team...

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