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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bertuzzi with a visor?

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Not really - what is something that the NHL has that none of those leagues don't?

Oh yeah - a Players Association.

What they are banking on is that those kids are growing up wearing some sort of facial protection, that they will stick with it when they get to the NHL.

I thought there was a union representing the AHL/ECHL players...


Or is this not the same as the NHL's PA?

They don't have the same clout. The AHL and ECHL were able to make the visor change without having to negotiate with the PHPA.

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In the NHL, three 20 minutes periods with a full-face on is not a very pleasant thing. You can't breath that good, can't whipe sweat, can't talk face to face with your coach (example). I don't think players will ever adopt it. Once you've tasted a visor/free face, you just can't go back to a full face. The feeling you have when the air goes through your neck while skating is just too enjoyable.

I play with a cage, so I feel the air just fine... I played without it for a little while, and I didn't think it was anything special - all that did was make me worry about getting my teeth knocked out every five seconds, and re-arrange my face a little bit when I caught a stray puck in the nose.

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