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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what do you do for a rally idea for your team

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what do you do to fire your team up?? like our local AAA team all died thier hair blonde....and the thrashers put thier helmets on backwards in shootouts....i died my hair black for a tournament and so did our best palyer....it turned out better for him cause he got 8 goals in 3 games...what do you or someone you know do?

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Kyle Okposso of the MN Gophers brought the idea of "play-off rubber bands." Each player wore rubber bands around their wrist equalling the games left till the big one. After each step of the play-offs they would take one off. Unfortunately they still had two bands left.

They say "you dont realize how fast it goes, till its over." Physically SEEING the ammount get smaller really gets a hold of the older guys espicially.

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There was a great article in the local paper about what the Hamilton Red Wings (not sure what level/division they are) did during the playoffs.

Some of the guys wanted to do the shaved head or crazy dye jobs...but at least a few of the guys knew that wouldn't fly at their jobs....so one guy made a "Promise Stick". A "contract" to play their hardest, play as a team, and only do things that would benefit the greater good of the playoff run.

They took a Goal stick...covered it in white tape and everyone on the team had to write the name of someone that they were playing for.

Some guys put a family member....some one who had passed away, someone who was sick. At least one guy put the name of a coach he hated who had cut him once to "show him".

Now, I can't remember how they did in the playoffs...but it was a great article, and a good team building idea.

You could print out W's on 8x10 paper. Do as many as wins it takes to win your playoffs....tape them up in the locker room....take one down every time you win. It's like the rubber bands...you watch it get closer.

Obviously, geared towards playoffs or tournaments...might be over kill for a whole regular season though.

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