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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Converting Easton Ice Skates

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I am looking into getting a new pair of skates and I want to try converting some ice skates, preferably easton. I wanted to know if you guys think that the Easton 900 skates would fit nicely with a mission vanguard chassis? If not can any of you reccomend another easton boot or any other boot for that matter?

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I contacted riotgear who told me that he had a problem with the wheel set up when he converted his eastons. He told me that he could not fit the standard vanguard wheel set-up on his eastons. I wanted to know of anyone else has tried this conversion and had the same problem or tried it and it worked out perfectly fine?

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The Easton boots are not indented like e.g. CCM, from what I read in the riotgear thread, so the 2nd wheel can't spin freely.

Sort of like the Hummer grinding issue.

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I put E frames on my 800c's and the dry flow bulge just barely clears the 1st 80mm wheel. Its close but 72 72 80 80 works on my 800c's. Theyre sized 8.5R

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yea, all you have to do is shim the chassis to stay with the 80 76 otherwise you can move to 76 72 which is what i did. I have seriously felt no difference from the smaller wheels. If you can skate, you can skate. The Easton w/ Vanguard is quite possibly the lightest skate you can create until someone does that conversion with the new Stealth S15's.

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I am now leaning towards converting a pair of 800C skates and i wanted to know if anyone has converted these and if so how they turned out?

Also how would the 800C skates compare in terms of weight with the wicked 3s if i switch the components from my wicked 3s to the 800C skates?


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Ive converted the 800c's and I really like them, as I said above I have E frames Med size on 8.5Regular boots. Converting worked out fine, only thing was when mounting the frame was they obviously had to drill holes in the boots to align with the chassis. The skates have 2 holes in them in the heel area and in the sole of the foot which you dont notice when skating due to the shockdoctor footsole which is a nice touch. If you play outdoors, which I do, you might have to worry about wearing away the sides of the skates when stopping since theyre a thin layer of soft rubber over the graphite boot which wont resist wearing too well. I started a thread on this called something like skate wearing away.

As for the wicked 3s I cannot comment have not seen them.

Good luck

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Compare the weight of the 800c (with holder still attached) and the wicked 3s without wheels/bearings/axles, and it should give you some idea of the weight differences in boot alone. I'd suspect that the chassis alone is a bit heavier than the holder/hardware/steel, but you'll have a ballpark idea.

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I cant compare the skates as i only have the wicked 3s and i dont have a LHS so i cant hold the 800C skates. I was just wanting to know if anyone knew whether the 800C boot on its own would be lighter than the wicked 3 boot on its own?

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