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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission He750's

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I found these online in my size for $139, just wondering what the general consensus is around here on these skates? From what I've been reading the durability of this particular generation of skate is somewhat in question, but for the price I could accept poor durability so long as the performance is there.

I'm looking mainly at Mission's, I would probably prefer the 7500, 9500, or even 10000 obviously if I could find them in my size (9d).

Do you think the he750 would be a superior skate to something like say the Wicked 7's? I've thought about the Wicked 5's as well, or maybe sniping a set of Wicked 3's off eBay if I can. My budget probably will max out somewhere near $300, so any other suggestions would be welcome.

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I have seen these skates tear apart in less than 3 months. I personally had a pair of he950's i loved the chasis, the feel of the boot, but the eyelets ripped apart within the first month of use. The 7500-10000 are great boots and have proven their quality. The new wicked line are built like a rock i have a pair of Wicked 3's that are too big for me but seem to be the best quality skate mission has put on the market yet... I cant speak for the wicked 5 and 7's but have seen people with them and they look to be holding up. hope this helps.

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My daughter really like hers, but she only weighs 120lbs, and wears a size 6.5. So she con't break them down like quite a few have talked about. If you wear a size 9 I imagine you weigh much more that 120lbs. Any of the newer skates should outlast the He750's. But you might really like them as she does, and $139.00 is a good price since most steals are in the 6 to 8 size range.

I'd probably look on E-bay first. Or you could check these, they are much better than the 750's


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Thanks for the input guys, I was actually going to buy those 7500's but someone made a move on them just before I sent the guy a PM.

Yeah, I'm 6'0 185, generally not too bad on my equipment though, I've never really had a problem with stuff breaking down on me before.

There is a pair of Wicked 3's on eBay I'm looking at but I'm guessing they are probably going to end up a little bit more than what I really want to pay, and some of the ankle horror stories I've read on here are a little scary.

I'd really like to find a set of 9500's or 10000's somewhere at a slightly reduced price in my size. From the sounds of things it seems like the Wicked 7's at around $200 or so are probably a better option than these 750's. Any comments on that opinion would be appreciated.

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I just bought these the other day. I am not worrying about durability because i'm just using them for the occasional road hockey game and what not. There are no roller leagues around here.

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