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Strap on Jagrs' skates

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man are you guys dumb im not chirpin his game, only how he looks. Great player, terrible style.

are you the one who decides what's hot and what's not... if so, you should also make complains of the styles of Eric Lindros an Martin St. louis

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Why is everyone wiling about this? The kid made a comment about Jags looking like a clown (which is totally valid, and also totally unrelated to his ability). The point of this site is hockey equipment, is it not? Chill.

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man are you guys dumb im not chirpin his game, only how he looks. Great player, terrible style.

and we're wondering why it matters. when you're that good, you dont have to look good.

hey puck it tell me what gear you have, and then we'll see if you go for style

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Soccer players do this often.

yes they but they also do it to create a consistent area for contact with the ball... to improve ball control/consistency of contact area...

whereas i haven't had the chance to see Jagr juggle the puck on the lace area of his skates... although I wouldn't put it past him... he did stop driving camaros right? I hope so....

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more tongue in cheek

man are you guys dumb im not chirpin his game, only how he looks. Great player, terrible style.

are you the one who decides what's hot and what's not... if so, you should also make complains of the styles of Eric Lindros an Martin St. louis

Everyone gets to chime in about style. Eric Lindros wisely chose to drive a BMW 8 series (which Mark Recchi also had an almost identical one ... probably part of that Crazy 8's line-bonding) which does show empirically undisputable superior taste to J. Jagr's desire to drive a camaro. (also see Sergei Federov selecting a BMW 7 series for his early NHL career)...

Both Lindros and Federov clearly selected empirically better looking, better taste, objectively superior vehicles (aside from the price tags of course)....

Even if you don't think that Tiger Wood's wife is good looking...you'd have to agree that she is empirically better looking than Kate Smith even if she was singing before a Flyer's Game... if you don't think Wood's wife is better looking...you are entitled to your opinion, but empirically you are wrong.

The kid made a comment about Jags looking like a clown

yes the mullet Jagr has always seemed to "end up with" and the way or style with which he wears his gear leaves something to be desired...

im not makin a correlation between his game playing and his style, im just saying its ugly as hell, and has been since he looked like a broad in 92

yes the mullet... the long hair...the Jagr loves watching jerry Springer look...

ok so yes Jagr's offensive skill makes him a premier NHL-er, etc. and maybe the fact that he looks like a clown doesn't take away from his playing abilities. It would be preferable to be both non-clownish and highly skilled. There are other players who achieve this currently and have achieved this in the past. The mullet, the style of wearing his gear, the diaper look, and the past camaro adulation all point towards Jagr having bad taste.

quoting Saturday Night Live from the 80's "it is better to look good then to feel good..."

but seriously... he has stopped driving camaros right?

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Saw Jagr out after a game earlier this year. While his equipment style may be questionable, and his past taste in cars (keep in mind he was 20 at the time); his custom tailored suit and set of Czech models would say otherwise.

Besides, the Camaro WAS the hottest thing in Pittsburgh in the late 80s and early 90s.

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Yeah i remember that. There was a report in the mid 90s and the mullet was as neat as the Camaro ;)

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