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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Summer training question

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I'm just starting my summer workouts, and I have a question about training cycles. I realize that there might not be any definitive answers but would still appreciate your feedback.

I'm trying to slow down the loss of muscle mass, strength, and power. Is it better to do:

(i) a few weeks of muscle mass workouts, followed by a few weeks of strength workouts, followed by a few weeks of power workouts


(ii) 1 mass workout, 1 strength workout, and 1 power workout in a week, and repeat that;


(iii) something else?

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Opinions and theories on this differ. I've benefitted most from mixing up my workouts and not employing mesocycles (3 weeks mass or power...). Take stock of what has worked for you in the past and try to build on that. Bottom line, pretty much all I need is a hill to run and a pullup bar and dip bars.

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Haha, I am almost like you, the only thing I need more is a squat rack and a stickhandling board...

Opinions and theories on this differ. I've benefitted most from mixing up my workouts and not employing mesocycles (3 weeks mass or power...). Take stock of what has worked for you in the past and try to build on that. Bottom line, pretty much all I need is a hill to run and a pullup bar and dip bars.

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the program i was on had the first 12 weeks building strength and muscle mass, while maintaining a baseline cardio level. it went with 4 workouts a week, for two weeks, of strictly hypertrophy, followed by 4 workouts a week, for two weeks, of strength training...then it would go back to hypertrophy for two weeks, etc. two days of the weeks would be riding the bike for cardio. after that was all done, it moves onto 4 weeks of building cardio while maintaining strength and hypertrophy, then 4 weeks power/plyometrics, then flexing, then sport specific exercises, then a break, then repeat the whole cycle again.

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OK thanks guys for everything, I will go with the 2-week cycles.

Kovy_Ribs_Fedo: long time no hear, glad you're back.

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Haha, happy to be back too ktang. The chance we have to come on this site and to talk with the most passionnate people around hockey is unique.

I have had some serious computer problem during the winter so it's why I wasn't able to come often on MSH. I'm now back to stay, take care Mack... ;)

OK thanks guys for everything, I will go with the 2-week cycles.

Kovy_Ribs_Fedo: long time no hear, glad you're back.

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