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RBK Sickick Question 7V* & 7K & 7V

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I just picked up a RBK 7V* Sickick. It has a Grip shaft; is labeled such, etc. I had read in a previous thread that a 7V sickick was a pro-stock repainted vector?

Is the 7V* the same thing as a 7V ?

or is the 7V* the same as a 7K?

The 7V* was not sold to me as pro-stock, and it also has all that RBK 30 day warranty info painted on the underside of the shaft (I am not sure whether or not that is normally on the underside of a pro-stock OPS RBK sticks).

I called RBK hockey customer service today and the guy had no idea what I was talking about... he just said that there is only a 7K sickick OPS and a 7K sickick shaft available. He suggested that the V was really a K that had mispainted....

I had tried to do some searches but none of the topics answered this question as directly... and also modsquadhockey search engine is anti 2 character search terms...

any information would be appreciated...


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I do remember that topic about the 7V being a Vector. And i think thats what you might have, im not 100% though.

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I wonder if they omitted the * after the 7V - where the stick i have has 7V* and all those posts only mention 7V (minus the '*') also the stick did not have any other stickers indicating a v10 or v8.0 or 8.9 as i remember from another post. Also, my stick was not sold to me as a pro-stock.... although I guess that could have been employee error -OR- could have been a decision by the mgmt not to bother segregating this stick....

also it does not have a player pattern name on it... where that would have been...seems to be "worn" although the stick is new... oh well...

stick mystery... hopefully it will work out well for a run of ice-time...

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Keep me posted. If you have a regular 7K sickick compare the two and same if you have any vectors. Best of wishes.

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Neither the 7v or 7v* was ever a retail stick. The difference between the K and the V is the K has a rbk blade and the V has a CCM vector blade. As for the asterisk, since I have also seen a 7K*, i would guess it might refer to the shaft shape, round or square. Not really sure about that though as i've never compared all 4 versions together...

As for the labels, i've seen the warranty labels on most of the ccm/rbk pro stock sticks i can remember. The only ones i have at the moment are 2 ccm vector 110 pro stocks and they have the warranty info...

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i also have the same kind of stick it is a 7V with all the 30 day warranty and such. as JR said earlier it is a Pro stock. mine came straight from the thrasher locker room so it is not a pro return or a retail stick. it should be a Sickick Shaft with a vector blade. i also have a 7K and the shaft is almost the same as the 7V. as far as i know the only difference should be the style of blade that is on the shaft

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no, the * doesn't mean pro stock

I think it does, I also have a 7k* which is prostock. It does not however, have the warranty information on it as someone else suggested theirs did.

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I have a 7K* shaft and it still has the warranty info on it.

mine too has the warranty info and its pro stock

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RBK is a Reebok Stick; 7K = is a Reebok shaft and blade; 7V is a CCM

shaft with a RBK blade; 7V* is a CCM shaft with a CCM blade

A little late to the party, but hopefully this will clear some things up.

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