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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates volume question

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Do skates that are too shallow for you affect your skating ability or just cause pain? Curious because I seem to skate in my nike's better than in my Synergies. The synergies are too shallow.

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I don't know if skate any better in a high volume skate... but I can skate longer... i.e. the lower the volume.... when it gets to be restricting... I feel like i get reduced circulation in my foot...so i want to rest and relieve the pressure by loosening my laces... ex. CCM 892's to GRAF 709's where there's lots of volume in the GRAF's and that extra volume creates some level of comfort for me... however... the skates feel too different for me to really say if it changes my performance of makes anything easier, etc. I did have the 892's changed over to Cobra 3000 NTs.. but I am not sure if they are profiled/pitched properly to recreate a proper skating comparison otherwise....

so i pretty much stick with my Nike One90's which in other aspects seems to be the most comfortable fit for me except for wanting some extra volume to relieve some of the downward pressure I get from the boot/tongue wrapping around the top of my foot.... Some of the other skates although providing some extra room in places that increased comfort still added more "slop" or play in areas that I didn't need room....

I have recently purchased a few pairs of skates so that I evaluate which fit really is best for me... and really until you skate in them a while... You really never know what is the most comfortable for you....

I had been told by a few shops that due to the weird-ass defective nature of my foot shape... that I should really consider custom skates.... since it doesn't seem that any of the fits out there accurately fit my weirdly shaped 2EE/3EE toe box, with a plus 4EEEE mid foot.... and the slightly narrow heel area (forgot what the actual letters for heel is..) and the high volume top of foot area... I resisted getting custom because the price tag seemed so high... but in the end in my experiments I've spent more than that... but at least know I know through the unfortunately costly experiment how different models/brands fit on the ice etc. (I have tried punching, stretching, etc. to make each skate as close to my fit as possible)

it is a big step from when i could only buy Bauer Supreme Custom 1000's or Micron Mega 10-90's or Graf 703's (had them all too - and they all killed my feet in one way or another)....

Customs are next... but with these other new skates I now own... the earliest possible I will put an order in is early 2008...

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I feel your pain. I was lucky enough to get a pair of S500s with a little added depth through the forefoot that are fantastic for me. Thanks again Justin.

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I feel your pain in the width and volume aspects and just for an added kick in the sack my feet are about as long as my little sisters.

I am 39 and have never had a pair of skates that did not cause me pain.

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