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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help with Lies

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i know its alot about personal preference but is there other ways to pick a lie like with your height and weight because i just cant find the right lie. Im currently using a Lecavalier(lie 6) and it doesnt seem to work. BTW and im 5'9'' 120lbs.

any help appreciated

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What is wrong with the blade you have? Wear along the bottom of the blade is generally the best way to see if your lie is correct.

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I dont think your weight matters when picking a lie, first off tape your blade from toe to heel completey and then take some shots make some passes and carry the puck and after a good session take a look at the bottom of the blade to see where the tape is worn out, if it is worn out evenly from toe to heel then your lie is correct if it is worn out at a certain area like toe or heel then you have to change lies, a lower lie is for too much wear at the heel while a bigger lie is for too much wear at the toe.

Once again this is what Chadd said but I though baby steps might help him better.

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Its really not PP, its more dependent on skating posture. About 3 years ago I used a modo, but after doing a ton of powerskating getting me a little more upright, I can't use lie 5 sticks if you paid me.

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