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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I really have no problem with the second gen Vibe. I have a pair of RPM that I use for outdoors and they are alright. I hated the first gen though, came on my Wicked Lites. They have since been removed.

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After trying the Hummer, Sensor, Hi-Lo, Sprung my favorite would be the Hummer because of the speed but if I was faster I would say maybe the Sensor.

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The 1st gen Vibe on my proto VSIs was pure garbage....not only did i destroy them stopping and turning but trying to get parts for them was impossible. I ended up putting E Frames on the VSIs, and have since gotten another pair. A side note: the hockeygiant deal for sherwood skates and the "sherwood" e-frames was one hell of a deal. $50 for the boots (garbage), abec 9s, wheels, and E-frames.

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I started as an ice hockey guy, I have used the old bauer hh500 skates with all 76mm, Vibe on misison RPm, TUUK rocker on vapor X skates, Hilo on Mission D1 and He950 skates, and Now Sprungs. Hands down my favorites are SPrungs with Hilo MG chassis a distant second. Sprungs offer the best performance and easiest transition back and forth between ice and inline, my skating has improved drastically since geting the sprungs.

BTW... If anyone wants TUUK Rockers, VIBE 2 chasis, or Hilo's from a pair of D1 skates, let me know. I'll cut you a deal.

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My vote's the red star magnesium chassis. Hi-lo setup, but not too much forward pitch. Plus, takes a beating and no dents what-so-ever.

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My vote is for teh Labeda Sensors.

I can't stand the flat-high feel of teh Hummers, so I've taken the Sensors from my G-90's to my Beemers and now to my E2's. And I ended up buying a second set of chasis for cheap Just incase my first set breaks.


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I'm loving the tri-di chassis on my new pumps, i don't know if its a combination of the boot aswell as the chassis but its the best thing i've ever skated on. Found i can accelerate much faster than on any other skate, and i've had flat, hi-lo, vibes and sensors and the tri-di'd rule! Although after all the good things i've heard about the sprungs, i may give them a try. I have no idea which to go for though...

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I've tried the Mg Hilo, OneUP, Vibe, Tuuk Rocker, Old Hum'er, Cateye Hum'er, new and old sprungs, and I'd have to say my favorite is by far the new A6 sprungs. In a distant second is the Mg Hilo chassis.

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