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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey in June

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Bad ratings in the post season (regular as well these days but that's another topic) seem to be a fact of life for the NHL these days. I'm starting to think a big factor in this is simply that the season runs too long. It wasn't so long ago that by this time we'd either be close or have a cup champion, yet the conference finals haven't even started. Hockey is a winter sport that's being ran into the summer. Obviously the TV networks understand that when summer roles around people watch less TV and spend more time outside, that's why they wrap up their broadcast season in May. Futher it's so far removed from the amature season a lot of people that would watch the post season are disengaged from hockey and on to other sports. The best solution, IMO, is to either reduce the qualifing teams from 16 to 8 or change the structure of the first two rounds. Perhaps first round best of 3 series, second round best of five, and then only the conference and Stanley Cup finals would be best of 7. Just wondering if anyone else feels the season is lagging on too long these days?

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I've said for quite some time that the quality of play would be so much better if they shrunk the season to about 50-60 games. They'd never even consider it, because revenues, salaries and statistics are tied into an 80 game season, but too many teams coast until they make a push for the playoffs. Can you imagine how much more spirited the play would be if teams knew there were only 24 games left after Xmas?

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I'm not complaining either....the longer there's hockey on TV, the easier it is for me to handle with withdrawal problems, haha. :D

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