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Elias sues former agent

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If you don't know what it means, I can't explain it to you without being "offensive".

Going by the Agent's response, he seems pretty confident about the situation. Usually if there's any doubt, there's just a "no comment" said. Sounds like Elias is upset because he got hosed - Modano style.

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If they misrepresented where the money was actually going, there may very well be a good case against them. If you can't explain your post without being offensive, try not posting it in the first place.

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Agreed and deleted.

Absolutely. This is going to get nasty though. He says he was buying into restaurants. They say "other ventures". If that's not clearly stipulated, then he's screwed because they are in charge of the funds and will move money accordingly. What gets me is the 1 mil in the Czech bank deal. According to the article somebody was writing checks on that account without him knowing about it. Even that one is going to be difficult because it's easy to tell someone to cut the check, and then say "I had no idea they were doing it." Unless there's a paper trail or emails. Some kind of affirmation to proceed with the transaction.

I'm glad I don't have millions for someone to steal.

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