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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Salming Stick last night Ducks Wings

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He uses a TF Evolution.

Jason, do you have any of his (#12) pattern left? I had a guy asking me the other day.

I think I have around 10 RH in 100 flex remaining, Chadd.

If I weren't in god awful financial straits at the moment, I'd have you down to 8 or 9. I've always wanted to try the Salming sticks, and I've always felt so good about the company image-wise for some reason... I think it's because with no more Jofa to root for, I want someone to be the Euro/Swede influence!

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I got 4 free salming shafts broke them all within 5 games... pants aren't comfortable and feel like real pants. and the gloves are the only bright spot in the company

well, there are 7 guys on my team that uses either TF-Evos or "Strike" shafts. So far, none have broken. Iv'e had my 2 "Strike" shafts for 1 season now, and they are holding up great.. Same pop now, as when they were new..

The only bad thing about the salming sticks/shafts, is that the paint chips easy..

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I got 4 free salming shafts broke them all within 5 games... pants aren't comfortable and feel like real pants. and the gloves are the only bright spot in the company

When did you play with this equipment? My only involvement with Salming now is selling off the excess inventory I had when they went in a different direction, but I had about 5 warranty returns in 200 sticks, so it's somewhat amazing to hear that 4 broke within 5 games. I'm just curious what model you were using.

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denim hockey pants... the best of both worlds.

prefaded and everything, for that fashionable look hockey players crave.

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I got 4 free salming shafts broke them all within 5 games... pants aren't comfortable and feel like real pants. and the gloves are the only bright spot in the company

When did you play with this equipment? My only involvement with Salming now is selling off the excess inventory I had when they went in a different direction, but I had about 5 warranty returns in 200 sticks, so it's somewhat amazing to hear that 4 broke within 5 games. I'm just curious what model you were using.

.. I've never seen anything like that. I have seen 2 sticks in one game, but back to back to back to back SHAFTS in 5 games? Sounds a little fishy to me.

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