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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Old Specs

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Does anyone know the specs to the old Louisville Ktachuk pattern. I am thinking about getting a response rubber, but i am unsure of the curve. I am now using a Response Plus with the 04 Ktachuk pattern, and am wondering how different the patterns are, thanks.

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The '04 Tkachuk's an Easton Modano clone. The '01/'02 pattern was I think a lie 5 (?) heel, bent right near the heel a bit and was a straight blade out. I'm guessing 1/4" curve, it was small. And it had a very slight negative loft to it. Square toe as well.

'03 was a lie 5.5 heel that curved a little bit later, deeper curve (1/2"), kind of a skinny blade, squarish toe, a bit of a rocker at the toe.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

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I had a Louisville Tkachuk about 5 years ago.Iit was a long 5.5 very small mid, closed face with a round toe. Its strange how companys tinker with a pattern so many times over the years.

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I have an 04 Response Plus with a Tkachuk curve, but it is definetely not a modano clone. There is a little more curve in the mid area. I matched the two curves together and there was some dirfferences.

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