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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Fit Question: Easton vs. CCM

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Just wondering how easton skates compare to CCM's Tacks line.

Is the boot-last (mold) similar? For example CCM's Tacks have (traditionally) been wider fitting (wide forefoot, normal heel) than Bauers. As a personal experience, I've worn D width tacks, and once switched to a Bauer EE to get a similar fit.

Since CCM is no longer producing Tacks skates, is the my only alternative Rbk (also a wider fit than Bauer, I think).

Any suggestions or info?

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I'm not sure about Eastons, but RBK are similiar. They have a wider heel though as far as I know.

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I have a wide forefoot and swtched from Vectors to Easton 1200cs. The Eastons fit my forefoot really well (both in normal width) and the heel is...deep for lack of a better word. I do kind of wish I'd gone a half size smaller in the Eastons, but then I might have had to get EEs or something.

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