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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Different Blade holders and blades for Mission L7

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I have Mission L7's, and my main beef with the skates are the blade holders and the blades.

I posted a review with the template for these skates and it never came through, so I didnt add pictures of them.

Anyways, the blades are bad on these skates. The holders are ok, but the blades are not so great. It comes to a point where If I turn a certain way on these blades I fall over. So I sharpen them, it solves the problem for a game and then it comes back. The blades are not duriable. I have not gone into any posts or walk on any surfaces that would damage the blades. I have no idea what is causing this. I will post pictures once I upload them.

I would not want to buy a new pair of skates due to these blades only, the skates are not bad. Now what im wondering is, is there any bladeholders/blades that can be replaced with the stock ones that come with the skates? EX- I really doubt it, but is there a t-blade set up that could be used with these or anything else? I dont want to replace them with the mission ones because I feel they would have the problem. So if theres not, I will probablly be replacing these skates.



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Mission Pitch steel has the best edge retention qualities I've seen, and most around here will agree with me. I can go for a good 8 games or more before I need a sharpening on my L-7s.

No blades are interchangeable with pitch holders, but tuuk custom+ and easton razors have the same hole pattern.

Before swapping holders, however, I'd suggest trying a different sharpener, or at least a deeper hollow. My guess is that somethings going wrong with the sharpenings.

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Ill put up some pictures, just need some hosting..

I have gone to quite a few different places to sharpen them.. and nothing is working for me.

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