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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shops by the border

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im planing a mini trip to windsor on friday, wanted to check out the area and any surrounding shops, anyone from the local windsor / detroit river area? any suggestions would be appreciated.

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I'd second that. Peranis has the biggest selection locally. Might want to hit Brians if you want to check out some players gloves. They have a pretty big selection including MIA's. Bob Reaume's doesn't have much, mostly baseball stuff this time of year. Maximum Edge is worth the trip just for their knowledge alone. They have some unique skate care products.

The other chain stores, National Sports, Sports Mart, Sport Check are a pass. Not worth stopping in.

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you should hit up the peranis, everytime we go we spend a good hour in there, and to agree with mike brians is decent if you want joe frey to sell you some grafs or check out the new eagle x72s. also another dandy idea would to be swing in cheetahs or the million dollar saloon for lunch.

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I haven't been to the Windsor Perani's, but if it's anything like the one in London, there'll be tons of stuff you can't find in the Detroit shops, especially sticks and blades. The London store also had a good selection of Knights merchandise...

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