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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thinking of buying this

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looks pretty sick. i havent seen any ads for this, but it looks like it could be useful. that clip at 1:40 is pretty cool, too.

damn, just went to the site, tape-2-tape.com. $175 US. sorry, its not worth THAT much to me.

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I saw this when I used to subscribe to betterhockey.com. I thought about getting it but I could probably make it myself for a lot cheaper with a sheet of plexiglass and some thick rubber bands.

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It seems a little pricey, yeah, but I really like it. I don't know how long that plastic material would last though. Seems like it could get scuffed up pretty easily.

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a friend of mine uses one. the rubber band is cool but it doesnt always come back right. its really not that slick. i think its greased up in the vid. and since december from being in the garage the boards not straight any more. curves up on the edges

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It seems a little pricey, yeah, but I really like it. I don't know how long that plastic material would last though. Seems like it could get scuffed up pretty easily.

yeah, seeing that it's capable of being rolled up... I worry about how durable the plastic sheet is.... And for $170, I'll settle for my $10 smarthockey ball, and some inline pucks.

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It seems a little pricey, yeah, but I really like it. I don't know how long that plastic material would last though. Seems like it could get scuffed up pretty easily.

i put turtle wax on it and now its real slick its prob not worth the cash but i like it

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Wow, that video is nice, but as you guys said, not worth the money. I got me a plexiglass/acrylicglass pane and it works too. Once when it started raining it was even a tad better, so that might be a little hint. Dont know about wax.

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Yeah, sorry about that...the lilhawk.com is the same product. I looked at it on the Fury website about a year ago. If might not even be on their site anymore.

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