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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Accutane should only be used as a last resort, and the doctors know this. It is very hard on the liver (hence no drinking, using tylenol, etc), it causes your cholesterol levels to go through the roof, muscle pains, very dry skin, etc. Its basically a controlled poisoning of your body, which is why they only let you use it a maximum of 2-3 times for about 6 months at the most. There are also a small group of people who experience very severe side effects, and you can find websites where these people talk about how the drug ruined their lives (allegedly).

So yea, that's why most doctors will try anything they can before using accutane. You shouldn't mess with it unless everything else has failed.

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Accutane should only be used as a last resort, and the doctors know this. It is very hard on the liver (hence no drinking, using tylenol, etc), it causes your cholesterol levels to go through the roof, muscle pains, very dry skin, etc. Its basically a controlled poisoning of your body, which is why they only let you use it a maximum of 2-3 times for about 6 months at the most. There are also a small group of people who experience very severe side effects, and you can find websites where these people talk about how the drug ruined their lives (allegedly).

So yea, that's why most doctors will try anything they can before using accutane. You shouldn't mess with it unless everything else has failed.

Exactly. My brother took it 4 times and is not allowed to do so anymore even though his skin problems are not completely resolved.

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I have never had any side effects from Accutane other than dry skin. I will say however, that it is very frustrating that Im not supposed to drink on accutane.


Ya not being able to drink sucked balls but being so close to B.C. we had a readily available supply of a pretty good substitute. :D

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Coming from a big adolesonce with Acne I can fill in allot of the details. Also Mum worked in a Pharmacy (aka Drugstore) for many years so the results and names are still fairly fresh.

Generally ProActive or Clearasel are the weakest forms of treatment which are recommended at the beginning. I know a mid to high level of tratement is Benzac. I don't know if the cream is available in the US/Canada, but it was probably the best treatment I ever used. 10% Benzac was my weapon of choice and it was very strong. In saying that my skin was very oily and put up a very good fight against the Benzac. Complete heal/releif of a pimple in a few days of treatment.

Accutane as a last resort, it has pretty harsh side effects, like paled skin, photo-senstive skin, random blood noses as well as some other minor skin issues already mentioned. I'd avoid if possible.

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Benzac face wash is available in Canada and is a good adjunct.I still reccomend Clindoxyl gel available by prescription in Canada at least.Antibiotic clindamycine with benzoyl peroxide.

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I used to have a bad pimple problem for about 7 years and started using Acutane in December. I must say it's a life saver. In about 3 months my face was completely clear. However, you will get worse to start and then it will improve. Only a dermatologist can recommend you for it and it's only a last case scenerio. I've tried just about every other medication and finally this one worked. It's extremely dangerous though with a ton of side effects. But if your dermatologist wants to put you on it you will be well aware of them. But this is the only thing that worked for me, no proactive, no benzacline, or any of the over the counter junk.

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I was on Accutane 2 times...once as a Senior in HS and then 3 years later as a Junior in College. It was a last resort situation the first time. I had tried several over the counter washes, ointments, etc., then went to the dermatologist and he tried several things as well, mostly benzoyl peroxide treatments and different antibiotics. Antibiotics worked very well, for a very short amount of time and then the pimples came back.

I was on a mid level dose when I was in HS and within 2 weeks people were telling me my skin looked so much better. The side effects that I had were severely dry skin, where my skin was peeling off in sheets in some places. I had to use heavy moisturizer to limit the drying. Within 3 months, my skin was perfect and stayed that way for 3 years. Then in college I got some pimples again and I ran right back to the doctor and he put me on a low level dose for one month and it cleared things up right away.

I'm 28 now and I still get pimples every now and then, but it is extrememly managagable. I think some people are just predisposed to getting them for whatever reason, and I'll probably get them for the rest of my life.

I was told about all the side effect and to date, I really haven't seen any. The only thing I still get now is dry skin in the winter and my face can tan/burn easily in the sun (especially around my nose and cheeks). This is all manageable with moisturizer and sunscreen. I've heard about the psychological effects, and I'm sure they're true. But I remember feeling really good about myself and being very positive in HS when my skin cleared and people were complimenting me.

I'm sure my kids are going to have odd-shaped heads now though, but I have good skin!

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one thing that has workd for me is that if you see that you are starting to get them, take a towel run under hot water, hold it on ur head. then take a towel run it under cold water and hold it on and just repeat a few times. you can also try and wash your face more and try not to rub your face too much.

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