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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Toronto Maple Leafs Equipment sale

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The sale is being held this Friday, June 1st at CentreSports at Air Canada Centre. It runs from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and includes new and used equipment such as shoulder and elbow pads, gloves, sticks, skates and more.

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stopped by today after work, nothing really caught my eye but i mean i didn't didn't get there till 6pm they had a ton of sundin stealths for 275s as the notable ops and owen nolon synergys 04 for 99. They had a ton of brand new shafts for 50 bucks adrenaline x-stiff, one t-flex, alot of m2 painted l2s. Goalie pads (didn't check the price). Not much in glvoes about 8 pairs of skates left mostly one90 and 1 one90(8090) skate and the kaberle ccm tacks but not worth it as they were quite worn the kaberles i actually considered but i dunno how tough it would be to wear broken in skates since there would be some pressure point issues.

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I was there around 9am, fair amount of stuff available. I got a brand new Berg xxx-lite for $100. Lots of Sundin Graf OPS when I was there which was cool to see, also a lot of gloves but they were all game used. I took a long look at Stajan's nylon eastons which are amazingly small with no cuff, but used for $100 it wasn't really worth it.

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