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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Slapshot help...

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ok, i bought a new stick. its an Easton Ultra Lite 100 flex with i think an rbk 3k amonte curve on it.

Now, i cant get a good slapshot off with this stick. The only time i can get good power on the shot, it seems as if I'm very off balance, too far forward and i almost feel as if im falling over.

The sticks the same length as my old one, so its not that the stick is too short. I just cant figure out what the deal is with it.

Ii'll be honest, i dont know much about sticks. kickpoints, blah blah blah. I kinda get it, but i really dont. I understand the flex of a stick.

help a brotha out.

also, it should be noted that im a about 6'5 215 pounds. I play defense. the only times lately ive gotten good power into it, ive scored, but i would prefer the falling over thing not to happen.

stick suggestions are welcome.

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Is it the lie of the stick blade that's throwing you off perhaps? If the lie isn't right for you, you might end up off-balance when shooting.

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What were you using before? I usually use wedge type curves and have no problem with slapshots, but whenever I try a banana type curve I have trouble getting the puck up unless I really open the blade up. Maybe the curve is too much for you.


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yeah im a tall guy too like the bert said it could most likley be your lie of the blade thats throwing you off what kind was your old one

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If it's not the lie, or the curve, it could be that you're not used to the stick yet. Give it some time.

Also, check that the blade is in the right end of the shaft. I'm pretty sure it is, because one end will usually have a plug in it. If it is in the wrong end, your kickpoint will be off.

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yeah i have it in the right end, as i have an extension in it.

this blade is an amonte, and the one i had before this was the vector v120 in a thornton curve i think in a 100 flex.

also, the stick before that was a jofa OPS with a sundin curve but im not sure about the flex, and that was my favorite stick.

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ever thought of using a lighter flex and not powering your way thru the shot?

I'm 6ft tall, 210lbs and use a 75 flex... intermediate if you will. I dont put a lot of strength into my shots, but get the same results with my shots. I used to have a 100flex stick, and had to put a lot of energy into getting the flex and shot to go bang. That would usually throw my balance off a little as well.

I started to drop on the flex a few years ago, and my team goalie has said that the shots are getting harder... and now I dont lose my balance (as much as I normally would anyways... hahha)

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Try changing up your hand position. I find sometimes that if my shots seem to be lack zing, it's because my bottom hand is creeping towards the middle of the shaft. Once I concentrate on keeping my hand towards the blade of the stick, they improve again. This might not be your problem, but it's worth noting.

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srv2miker has a good point funny thing about my slapshots though. my lower hand doesnt move very much when I take slapshot...

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you've gone from an OPS to a traditional 2pc combo so it will take some time to adapt..not sure what the differences are in the Thornton/Amonte curves.but likely some issue there as well...its going to take a little time..

my take on new sticks/curves is that I work from the wrist shot up....take some wristers..if they feel in line I move to a snap...once that feels right..not much difference in adding a short wind up for a slapper...

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If you have a chance, take some practice shots and try to work it out. Stand still and figure out exactly how you want to hold the stick when you shoot. Put the puck in a comfortable shooting position. Go through your windup, shot and follow through, but concentrate on where you're making contact with the ice and what part of the blade is making contact with the puck. It could be that you're making better contact when you're too far forward and you just need to translate that feel into a proper shooting form.

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the lie of the stick has a lot to do with it. If you have two sticks that are the same height with completely different lies you can end up screwing yourself up because your hand positioning needs to be nearly opposite.

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