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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Positioning clips

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Since I've been playing a lot less these days and getting a bit out of shape, my defensive positioning, among other things, has gotten progressively worse, and it's pissing me off. I'm throwing this out there for anyone to post videos showcasing solid defensive positioning and plays to help a brutha out...

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I don't know of any clips online but why not record tonights game then you can go back and watch different situations and break it down.

During the season I'll record games of the teams and players who are the best at a particular aspect of the game (power play, penalty kill, faceoff's, etc) and try to pick out what they do that sets them apart.

It's made me a better player and definitely a better coach.

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There's lots of great threads about the subject if you want to do a search.

I found watching college hockey helpful as they often play on bigger ice and the pace is slower. You can see what they're trying to do much easier. But NHL'ers are in the NHL for a reason, and if you really focus, you can see the good and bad things they do with positioning.

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