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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest snipertee

9k o stick

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when i saw the 9k stick at the msh skate last winter, they were both left handed and they were the rep sample so no one got to try it out, but just holding it and feeling it, it did feel like it has a VERY sturdy shaft, i didnt lean into it or anytihng like that but just messing around it feels overal solid, no pun intended. and obviously i have no opinion on the blade due to it being the wrong hand.

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If it were a problem with design, it would be a GOOD thing retail release was delayed, otherwise you hear an uproar on this sight how they "rushed" to a inferior product to market. I guess they can't win either way.

I wasn't implying that anything is wrong with that...just like when Microsoft or Apple pushes back an operating system release...it generally means they encountered issues they did not expect. I agree with you, however, that to fix the problem (if there was one) before initial release is the best way to handle the situation.

I wouldn't go that far. Microsoft can never make a release because a month before the scheduled release NSA tiger teams find more than 17,000 security vulnerabilities.

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Got to play with one last week...one of the guys that plays for SUNY Morrisville 's father works for the NY Rangers. He had an Ortmeyer 9KO. The shaft was the most solid shaft I have ever held...felt like a piece of raw steel...noticeably heavier than my UltraLite two piece and my Synergy. What others are saying could be true based on whatI felt and saw about the blade. It seemed to mee that the 9KO is too much shaft for the blade. I noticed that the blade would bend quite a bit on one-timers to the guy I was passing to. The shaft never flexed.

I don't have the strongest upper body, so I use a lower flex to get torque on my shots. With the 9KO, I had to work twice as hard to get a good snap on my shot. This of course is most likely attributed to the flex of the shaft. That said...way too much shaft for the blade.

Exactly what I found. The stick is EXTREMELY stiff for my liking (even with a regular flex), and had to work a lot harder than most sticks to get some whip.

The new CCM line on the other hand feels great. I have never been a Vector fan at all, but these might be different. As long as they can fix the early duribility issues, this one might be a hit.

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