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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What lie are your sticks?

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A bit off topic, but wouldn't it seem that a lower lie would result in less flex of the stick?

Now on topic:

I'm 5'9" 130lbs. I use a 5-5.5 lie(Smyth) with the stick up to my chin.

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A bit off topic, but wouldn't it seem that a lower lie would result in less flex of the stick?

Now on topic:

I'm 5'9" 130lbs. I use a 5-5.5 lie(Smyth) with the stick up to my chin.

A lower angle of the stick in relation to the ice will give you less leverage, if that is what you mean.

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Can only use a Modo in 5. Stick is cut to my nose in barefeet.

I recently just switched back to the modano from the drury and my puck control improved substantially. Not sure if it's the lie or the curve.

I think it has to do with the blade face, I went from a sakic to a p88, which is neutral and my stick handling and puck control got much better. The lie between the two is nearly identical.

Maybe differences in rocker too? I always seemed to have it just slip under my blade when I stick handled.

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