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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM V20 vs. V40 Replacement blades

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Hey, I was in my LHS on the weekend and overheard an employee mention that the V20 seems more durable than the V40. When I think about it, I've owned 1 V20 and 1 V40 so far. (both same curve) The V20 lasted an entire season of ball hockey (I just don't use it anymore because it's worn away too much) while the V40 lasted 2 ice and 3/4 of a ball hockey game. (broke half-way across the blade face, can't even remember the exact play on when it broke - next thing I knew I had a busted blade)

So I'm looking to get another V20 or V40. Has anybody else had similar experience with the V20/40's?

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I had 1 v40 last a whole season, other broke half way. I haven't tried v20s because they seemed so heavy.

you are right about the v20s, they are so heavy but very durable i am almost finished with my v20 that has lasted me a couple of months playing about 3 days a week outside on my driveway and tennis courts.

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I'm pretty sure the only difference in the two is the hosel length. I've never used a v20 though, simply because I'd need either a lead end plug or one loooong wood plug to balance the stick out!

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v20 is a great blade as far as durability. Compared to the Easton ABS blades it beats the hell out of them. I realize you're not comparing the two Easton vs CCM but the CCM wins hands down. This is only for ball hockey, I took a worn down V20 on the pond last winter...1st slap shot it snapped at the hosel. Obviously I do not recommend for the V20 for ice.

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