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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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kuzak outdoor wheels

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I had good luck with the rink rat world cup and my buddy has had good luck with the hyper pro 250. You can't really go wrong with either of the two, obviously I prefer the rink rats but they will also cost more.

I've known people that liked the Labeda asphalt gripper and I've used the Labeda Shooter. Both had decent durability.

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I went through three sets of Kuzak Zone outdoor wheels, and guess how long it took me? A WEEK! I burned up three stinking sets of wheels in a matter of a week! Somebody in Kuzak had the audacity to label them "outdoor" hockey wheels. These things are the worst! Like the other guys have said, go with Hyper Pro's or...or... something!!!

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