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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Found a couple sticks

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Well I was taking a casual stroll and I stopped in at a LHS. After departing I trekked around to the back and took a peek in the dumpster. To my surprise there was 6 Tru-flex's with broken blades only(blade suck, shaft isnt bad) 3 Vapour XX's but i could only salvage a blade from 1 and the shafts were all bad. 1 Nike apolo blade in near perfect condition and 5 blades with small fractures only. I'm selling the whole lot to my good friend Neil, formerly HKYPLAYA4LIFE. Here's the only picture I can take becasue when I take one my computer locks up but I will take some more later.



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I have been, but no such luck since.

Rob 3d your right they are terrible, but I think the blades the worst of it. The shafts actually seem pretty good.

EDIT: I just noticed my beer is in the picture *giggle*

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