hunter4oz 0 Report post Posted June 24, 2007 I've been riding/racing here and there for a couple of years now, and i just wondered how many of you guys or girls have bikes?P.s.- if anyone is selling a bike im in the market for a clean used bike, nothing that was raced or beat on though Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bheidepr 0 Report post Posted June 24, 2007 I rode off road for a few years, didnt race, just rode some woods and some track. I gave it up after too many injuries....I should have stuck with the roadracing ;)just was cleaning up the kids's PW50 to sell it will be the last of our dirt bikes.... I miss riding Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hockeysew 0 Report post Posted June 25, 2007 Rode dirt since 1974.Cant even count the number of bikes I had, starting with a Honda XR-75.Rode up till about ten years ago. I had bought a 97 Husky 250 WR from a lady who was divorcing her hubby for $125 bucks. Fixed the bike up a bit and was riding behind my house when I looked down at the enduro speedo that was on it.85 mph with 2 more gears to go and no helmet.Scared the crap out of myself and sold the bike for $1500 a week later :D I figured at 34 years old and with a wife and 2 kids I had better not kill myself that way.I was always very lucky and never got hurt any worse than a broken wrist.In 2001 I had one of my co-workers (who is now my best friend) get pitched over the bars in a MX race.He landed on his chest and face, bending his spine backwards to the point that he was folded in half backwards. Crushed his spine at L4 L5.He will spend the rest of his life in a chair.Pretty tough to watch a 30 yo guy with twin 2 year olds go through that.I pretty much gave up on bikes, either dirt or street after that. Seeing my buddy get hurt, it just took the wind outta my sails as far as bikes go.We do have a couple of ATV's that we putter around on in the mountains though.Suzuki King Quad 700 and Suzuki Eiger 400.Good luck on finding a bike that hasent been raced or thrashed. Its the nature of the beast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LkptTiger 1 Report post Posted June 25, 2007 My dad got me into motocross when I was really young. He raced semi-professionally 'back in the day,' so he always had one or two bikes around. He used to take me out riding (either pinned-up against the gas tank or holding on for dear life behind him) all the time, and I loved it. Then one day when I was four, we took a drive, stopped by a Yamaha dealer and ended-up coming home with a PW-50.I enjoyed racing, but liked hockey more, so I never really got too serious about it. By the time I was nine, hockey took priority over absolutely everything else in my life and I stopped racing competitively. Unfortunately, my '99 YZ 125 hasn't seen much use over the last year or so - injuries (and the rehab/time at the gym and rink that go along with them) have left me without the time or the energy to get on the bike. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zingbergeur 0 Report post Posted June 25, 2007 I trail ride every once in a while. I currently have a '00 Yamaha WR400 that sits in my parents' garage about 400 miles away. When I was in high school and had more time, I used to ride every week with my brother in the summers. My first bike was a 1981 PW50 when I was 3 years old. My dad told me I had to learn how to ride a bicycle without training wheels before I could ride the dirtbike. Needless to say, I learned quick ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SVERIGE 0 Report post Posted June 27, 2007 I today ride a YZ 125 in France, I've also been racing minimoto in France. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hunterphfr 12 Report post Posted June 28, 2007 KTM XCW for me Honda CR50 for my boy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IntoGear 0 Report post Posted July 4, 2007 Seems like there was always a bike or three laying around in my garage when growing up.I raced MX for awhile till the injuries started hurting more and took longer to heal. Raced GNCC & Enduro up till a few years ago but work started taking most of my free time. Ended up selling my '01 XR-600, '02 Cannondale E-440 but for some reason kept my gear... go figure. Been four years now bike-less. Looking and thinking of getting a dual sport bike for some trail and fire road riding.Not looking to get back into racing but miss riding into the woods with my buds for a day of fun in the mud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colin97 0 Report post Posted July 20, 2007 I race my brother and my dad out at his place. Ive been riding since i was about 5, right now i have an old school Honda 80. (I can still beat my brother though) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites