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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2007-2008 Regular Season Schedule

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Hey guys! I recently found out i will be going to see my two favourite hockey teams (Ottawa and Pittsburgh) play against each other in this coming season as my birthday present. Needless to say, im pumped! My parents have told me about this surprise because they would like some input for planning this trip.

My question is, when is the 2007-08 schedule released? Is it released already?

My parents are trying to book some flights to either Pittsburgh or Ottawa, and would like to know the dates of when these teams play against eachother. If anybody has any information, it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks! :)


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I asked about release dates of the upcoming season schedule some time ago, have a friend going to the states in October, and If I recall correctly it's sometime in July(late July) that it's released.

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Middle of July usually, for some reason July 17 sounds familiar. That was in years past, obviously the date can be +/- a few days. Middle of July, I believe.

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