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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How do I change my avatar?

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First click on "My Controls" just below the yellow kickplate at the top of the page. Then click on "Edit Avatar Settings" on the left hand side of the page under Personal Profile.You can then click on "Browse" to locate the picture on your computer that you want to use. Please remember that the avatar must meet our criteria.

1. No more than 30k in size

2. No more than 110 x 100 pixels

3. No animated avatars

4. Avatars must be appropriate for hockey and our many members who are still minors

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No biggie really at all but I tried changing mine today and it comes back to MSH Error saying I do not have permission too upload an avatar too this server.

Dont really care about an avatar anyways.

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Uploads were disabled the last time we were hacked. You will have to upload your avatar to another host location.

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I'm getting a message saying " I don't have permission to change my avatar" I can only use the stock, default avatars supplied by the website

any ideas?

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I'm getting a message saying " I don't have permission to change my avatar" I can only use the stock, default avatars supplied by the website

any ideas?

Re read post #3. You can't directly upload an image...no one can. You have to host it somewhere then cut/paste the location of that image.

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Re read post #3. You can't directly upload an image...no one can. You have to host it somewhere then cut/paste the location of that image.

got it fixed


obviously, thanks!

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