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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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There is a video podcast that gives hockey drills

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I was in itunes to look for yesterdays cap report and in the "listeners also subscribed to" there was a hockey drills section.

If you search for hockey-site.comyou can download, for free, several video podcasts.

Here are some of the podcasts available...

Drill specification: acceleration, skating with puck, turns, shooting - wrist, slap, backhand

Drill specification: acceleration, skating with puck, change speed during move on defender, gain position, shooting

Drill specification: passing Suggestion: warm up This is classic hockey drill for practicing passing while skating one player forward and second backwards

and so on, there are about 11 or 12 of them.

I don't think this is violating terms of the board, I don't work for these people, or anything, just passing along info, if it shouldn't be here, please delete .


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I downloaded a few.. They are short and don't have instructions, but you will get the idea. Pretty good.

I wish they would put out more stuff like Warrior did with Kovy giving tips. I really enjoyed those videos. (plus it was just cool watching him top shelf in a slapshot from cross ice).

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