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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Alright.. M-1, XX...xn10?

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Okay, I'm 5'8 (and I ain't sayin' my weight :lol: )

I am pretty strong, but my slapshot is very weak. Here's my problem, I've tried a regular Gaborik M-1 stick, found my slapshot was great but wrist shot weakened, tried a (tony lydman 100 FLEX) Bauer XX, am now finding my slapshot sucks but my wrist shot has strengthened. So I have decided to try the XN10 (P19 R curve) this weekend in a tournament. What can I expect? lol.. and is thier a stick anyone thinks that I may get a mixture of M-1(slaphot) plus XX(wrist)?



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Guest phillyfan

Sticks aren't going to make your shot better, maybe try a different curve or go to open hockey. Sometimes when there is no one else there, I sit there for the entire hour and just shoot slap shots the entire time. But to start, try a different curve.

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I found that with my Xn10 I could get stronger and more accurate shots than with my M1 but I think it was mostly the weight factor, but my M1 had a longer lifetime. I've only tried the XX for like 15 minutes in a practice and I didn't really like it. But it does really all come down to personal preferance.

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Guest phillyfan
Sticks aren't going to make your shot better, maybe try a different curve or go to open hockey.  Sometimes when there is no one else there, I sit there for the entire hour and just shoot slap shots the entire time.  But to start, try a different curve.


Gotta be working on the wristers, snappers and backhanders. You will be glad you did. As the level of hockey gets higher, the less time you have to be letting off huge slappers :rolleyes:

Oh my gosh, do I ever! I have a wicked wrister, have insane accuracy on the shot. I'll wrist a shot any chance I get over a slapshot. As for backhand, I can roof it from the top of the circle 50% of the time. Snapshots are also a nice lethal weapon, especially skating up and on your wrong foot, catches the goalie everytime. Slapshots are always nice when you want a nice hard low shot for deflections from the point, or if there is a rush going up the ice, have someone rip one into the goalies pads for a big rebound. Slappers are nice for bragging rights during post playing around as well. :D

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Guest phillyfan

I heard that theory, and decided to give it a try last year. Vector's were whippy as hell, and gave it a go. I actually felt that the whippier or flexier the shaft, the more it took away from my shot.

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I heard that theory, and decided to give it a try last year.  Vector's were whippy as hell, and gave it a go. I actually felt that the whippier or flexier the shaft, the more it took away from my shot.

Its all in technique though. With a whippier stick you use your arms more and your body weight less (à la Brett Hull).

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Very few people can shoot with a shaft like Hull's, you need a different technique. There are a lot of people using shafts that are too stiff for them because they don't want to look wimpy.

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