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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Si-Core

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I could have a freakin good deal 50$ US about 80CND...100 flex iginla curve

O.K here the deal I never used a iginla cuve just modano and never used synergy

I'm playing with a franklin air core Guerin since 1 year and really like and have a good second stick(z-bubble with a 9007 guerin curve)

So I don't really need a new stick(and need new pant,pad,elbow) But for 80 it a pretty good deal

Buzz and some other said that the Guerin curve was like a Iginla(I only swear on Guerin curve)

Here my question,Do you think guys I'm better getting new hockey gear and keep my money or the SI-core really worth the money??

because I really like my Franklin like you can saw and I will propably get a new Franklin shaft soon,if I all ready LOVE franklin product...do you think it would be more smart to spend money on better pant or just to put on bank??


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Can't really lose if it's $80. If you hate it then sell it for $80. If you like it then you've got a $250 stick that only costed you 1/3 of that.

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ok ok lol it a ONE WAY answer lol I gonna try my first OPS loll exciting:P

ps:and if i don't like i will do like you said get some money back by ebay!

Thanks for your fast answer !

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doesn't seem like a such a good deal now. How were you expecting to get the stick for $50 if the reserve wasn't even met?

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easton's curves aren't consistent also, so you never know.

The composite curves are very consistant. Their wood blades, like everyone else, tend to vary a lot.

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